Be Ready To Use Hygienic And Safe Egg Wash Substitutes


With time as the evolution of everything has leaped and with the same, on-the-go consumption is enhanced all over the world. As the demand is growing the finished appearance of the products are considered to be very important than ever. The first impression is always countable and often serve as a primary deciding factor for the consumers to perceive the product further. According to the client’s perception, shiny products are recognized for being indulgent, fresher and higher quality.

Now color and shine are usually obtained by addition of an egg wash to the bakery products, but this can have several disadvantages related to the food safety and convenience, particularly as eggs can be easily contaminated and can also provoke the allergic action with many people.

If you are looking forward to egg wash substitute than look for the products treated with ultra-high temperature and are sterilized by heating for a few seconds at the temperature of 145 degree Celsius which allows you to the killing of bacteria. The products should be stored at the ambient temperature of <25°C.

Various advantages of using egg wash substitute:

  • The primary advantage is your foods are ought to shine better than eggs.
  • Your products are not infected or contaminated with the contact of eggs.
  • The substitutes ensure stable pricing and availability throughout the year.
  • The egg wash substitutes are ready to use and can improve the texture of your finished products.
  • Application of UHT technology makes them hygienic and safe.
  • The egg wash substitutes like Sunset glaze are making their place through online platforms. These substitutes are clinically tested and can yield much better results in foods as compared to egg wash.

Among other benefits, the key one is the application of egg wash alternative allowing the reduction of the number of allergens in the area of production and the risk for your health due to the microbial contamination. You can also buy the egg wash alternatives through online stores and be ready to use safe and hygienic products in your favorite foods.

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